Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Edge Control ....

 ORGANIC ROOT Stimulator - Olive Oil Edge Control

If your like me I have very stubborn little hairs at my hairline (better known as Baby Hair) that do not like to lay flat!!!!! Most of the products I have ever bought FAILED and was a WASTE of MY money!!! They either made my hair oily or made it stiff.

My Application process:
I get just a very little of the product on my finger and then rub my fingers together so my body heat melts it a tad. Then I apply it on my hair line. Next I use a brush to brush my hair in the direction I want my hair to lay down. A little product goes a long way. With my experience if you use to much and dont let it melt just a little bit then when you apply it to your hair the area will be very shiny and it will look like a lot of product in one area.

This products is the best and so in expensive! It holds my edges all day and never has a sticky or hard feeling to it You can find it at your local beauty supply store, drugstore, or if you have a FRED'S near you it's also there.

Results: If you have stubborn hairs around your hairline and you need that one products that will work wonders I would definitely invest in the Organic Root Stimulator Edge Control. You wont be disappointed! 

Website Description:The perfect control for your edges! This non-sticky, non-greasy formula allows for an excellent hold without hardening your hair.

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